Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hmm.. ok so hi everyone this is my first post. Though i was quarantine during the first week of school, what i am going to talk about is only about WORK during my quarantine period!! :D.

so it started with yoke ee telling me about our assignment details which includes the Facebook group,twitter and google map.

Well, at first i was confused about what to do and was full with question marks??? After which i asked my friend but however still failed to understand. Then i got back to consult yoke ee about or assignments again. hopefully she understands xD.. ok so.. at the end i created a facebook group and it is called "LOVE TO SLEEP!" so please support me by joining by group!! haha! thats about what i have accomplish during the first week =.= such a disappointment! BUT! im sure something good will be done in the following weeks! ^.^

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